Saturday, 23 June 2012

Steamed Cheddar Cheesecake

Steamed Cheddar Cheesecake
Source Recipe: Magic Steamed Cake by Alex Goh
Preparation: 20 minutes


3 eggs
100g castor sugar

4 slices cheddar cheese
125g milk
80g butter

220g plain flour
1 tbsp double action baking powder

Topping (optional)
Some soft butter
Some grated cheddar cheese

You may add extra  ½ tbsp (or more) Parmesan cheese powder into the batter for stronger cheese taste.

  1. Whip A until sugar dissolved & slightly thicken.
  2. Cook B over double boiler until cheese melted.  Add it into A, mix until well-blended.
  3. Fold in sieved C, mix until well-blended.
  4. Pour it into greased & lined 20cm (8 inch) round mould.
  5. Steam for 30 minutes.  Set aside to cool.
  6. Spread a thin layer of butter on top of the cake.  Place some grated cheddar cheese on top.